24 research outputs found

    Participatory analysis for adaptation to climate change in Mediterranean agricultural systems: possible choices in process design (versĂŁo Pre Print)

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    There is an increasing call for local measures to adapt to climate change, based on foresight analyses in collaboration with actors. However, such analyses involve many challenges, particularly because the actors concerned may not consider climate change to be an urgent concern. This paper examines the methodological choices made by three research teams in the design and implementation of participatory foresight analyses to explore agricultural and water management options for adaptation to climate change. Case studies were conducted in coastal areas of France, Morocco, and Portugal where the groundwater is intensively used for irrigation, the aquifers are at risk or are currently overexploited, and a serious agricultural crisis is underway. When designing the participatory processes, the researchers had to address four main issues: whether to avoid or prepare dialogue between actors whose relations may be limited or tense; how to select participants and get them involved; how to facilitate discussion of issues that the actors may not initially consider to be of great concern; and finally, how to design and use scenarios. In each case, most of the invited actors responded and met to discuss and evaluate a series of scenarios. Strategies were discussed at different levels, from farming practices to aquifer management. It was shown that such participatory analyses can be implemented in situations which may initially appear to be unfavourable. This was made possible by the flexibility in the methodological choices, in particular the possibility of framing the climate change issue in a broader agenda for discussion with the actors

    Molecular characterization of occult hepatitis B virus infection in patients with end-stage liver disease in Colombia.

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    ABSTARCT: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) occult infection (OBI) is a risk factor to be taken into account in transfusion, hemodialysis and organ transplantation. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize at the molecular level OBI cases in patients with end-stage liver disease. METHODS: Sixty-six liver samples were obtained from patients with diagnosis of end-stage liver disease submitted to liver transplantation in Medellin (North West, Colombia). Samples obtained from patients who were negative for the surface antigen of HBV (n = 50) were tested for viral DNA detection by nested PCR for ORFs S, C, and X and confirmed by Southern-Blot. OBI cases were analyzed by sequencing the viral genome to determine the genotype and mutations; additionally, viral genome integration events were examined by the Alu-PCR technique. RESULTS: In five cases out of 50 patients (10%) the criteria for OBI was confirmed. HBV genotype F (subgenotypes F1 and F3), genotype A and genotype D were characterized in liver samples. Three integration events in chromosomes 5q14.1, 16p13 and 20q12 affecting Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase T, Ras Protein Specific Guanine Nucleotide Releasing Factor 2, and the zinc finger 263 genes were identified in two OBI cases. Sequence analysis of the viral genome of the 5 OBI cases showed several punctual missense and nonsense mutations affecting ORFs S, P, Core and X. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first characterization of OBI in patients with end-stage liver disease in Colombia. The OBI cases were identified in patients with HCV infection or cryptogenic cirrhosis. The integration events (5q14.1, 16p13 and 20q12) described in this study have not been previously reported. Further studies are required to validate the role of mutations and integration events in OBI pathogenesis

    The fish diet of black-browed albatross Diomedea melanophris and grey-headed albatrossD. Chrysostoma at South Georgia

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    The fish component of the diet of black browed and grey-headed albatrosses at South Georgia was investigated by intercepting 155 meals from adults arriving to feed chicks during February 1986 and 1994. Fish represented 30% and 72% by mass of the diet of black-browed albatrosses and 14% and 60% by mass of the diet of grey-headed albatrosses in 1986 and 1994 respectively. We determined the identity and quantified the contribution (by numbers, size and mass) of fish species mainly by using otoliths (54 representing 9 taxa and 57 representing 17 taxa in black-browed and greyheaded albatross samples respectively). For blackbrowed albatrosses in 1986 the main fish prey wasPatagonotothen guntheri (77% of otoliths, 51% of estimated fish biomass) and a single large specimen ofIcichthys australis (40% estimated biomass), whereas in 1994 Pseudochaenichthys georgianus was the main fish prey (57% of estimated biomass) withMagnisudis prionosa (30%) andChampsocephalus gunnari (12%) also making substantial contributions. Grey-headed albatross samples from 1986 were dominated by southern lampreys (40% by number, 79% of estimated bio mass), lanternfish (32% of numbers, 9% by mass) andPatagonotothen guntheri (11% by mass); in 1994Champsocephalus gunnari (42% by numbers, 24% by mass),Magnisudis prionosa (13% by number, 36% by mass),Muraenolepis microps (90% by number),Pseudochaenichthys georgianus (15% by mass) and lanternfish (18% by number but only 1% by mass) were the main prey. The importance ofPatagonotothen guntheri to both species in 1986 and its absence in 1994 probably reflect albatrosses obtaining it from the commercial fishery, which was active in 1986 but closed in 1994. Otherwise the fish diet of black-browed albatrosses is dominated by krill-feeding fish, characteristic of the waters of the South Georgia shelf. In contrast, the grey-headed albatross diet comprises deeper water mesopelagic species, especially lanternfish, which reflect its affinity for the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone and associated oceanic upwellings

    Phenolic Compounds in Wheat Kernels: Genetic and Genomic Studies of Biosynthesis and Regulations

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    Whole wheat grains are an important source of bioactive components, particularly of phenolic acids and flavonoids. Due to the health-promoting effects of these phenolics, nowadays, the increase of their content in mature kernels is of great interest and a potential target for wheat breeding programs. The biogenesis of phenolics occurs through the general phenylpropanoid pathway, which is ubiquitous in plant cell walls and leads to the synthesis of secondary metabolites that are involved in plant defence and structural support. This chapter reviews the current knowledge in phenylpropanoid chemistry, and the genetic and molecular basis for the biosynthesis of phenolic acids and anthocyanins in wheat grains. Also, advances in assessing genetic variation in the content and composition of these components in wheat germplasm are reviewed, including the effects of different environmental conditions on their accumulation in mature kernels. The recent, ongoing genomic studies are reviewed providing updates on quantitative trait loci and genes involved in the synthesis and accumulation of phenolics in wheat kernels. Finally, the promise and limitations of breeding programs to potentially develop wheat cultivars rich in phenolic components are discussed